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1. 基本アルファベット順。

2. ランキング形式ではなく「良く聴いたもの」と「気に入ったもの」を列挙します。

3. SingleやEP、split、コンピレーション音源込みです。但し、リマスターや再発は除きます。

4. ブラックメタルブログですが、それ以外も取り上げます(分け出したらめんどいんで)。前半30枚、後半30枚です。後半は他ジャンル多め。

5. お酒は二十歳になってから。



1. "Burning For The Ancient" - Addaura (US, Misanthopic Art)

2. "Les Voyages De L'âme" - Alcest (France, Prophecy)

3. "Vanitas" - Anaal Nathrakh (UK, Candlelight)

4. "Cold Of Ages" - Ash Borer (US, Profound Lore)

5. "Gloomy Wind" - Anima Morph (Japan, independent)

6. "Only The Ocean Knows" - An Autumn For Crippled Children (Netherlands, Aeternitas Tenebrarum Musicae Fundamentum)

7. "Nightside Emanations" - Behexen (Finland, Debemur Morti)

8. "777 : Cosmosophy" - Blut Aus Nord (France, Debemur Morti)

9. "What Once Was... Liber II" - Blut Aus Nord (France, Debemur Morti)

10. "Tone Of Things To Come" - Chaos Echœs (France, independent)

11. "Drought" - Deathspell Omega (France, Norma Evangelium Diaboli)

12. "Dodecahedron" - Dodecahedron (Netherlands, Season Of Mist)

13. "Imperator" - Dødsengel (Norway, Terratur Possessions)

14. "Ea" - Ea (Russia, Solitude)

15. "Regenjahre" - Freitod (Germany, Ván)

16. "Harakiri For The Sky" - Harakiri For The Sky (Austria, Art Of Propaganda)

17. "Calm Down, You Weren't Set On Fire" - Hypomanie (Netherlands, Valse Sinistre)

18. "Eremita" - Ihsahn (Norway, Candlelight)

19. "Journey To Infinity" - Infinitas (Germany, Self Mutilation Services)

20. "Years Past Matter" - Krallice (US, independent)

21. "Ariettes Oubliées..." - Les Discrets (France, Prophecy)

22. "Hoagascht" - Lunar Aurora (Germany, Cold Dimensions)

23. "Abgrund Meines Wesens" - Moloch (Ukraine, Depressive Illusions)

24. "Monolithe III" - Monolithe (France, Debemur Morti)

25. "Universum Infinitum" - Omega Centauri (UK/Sweden/Belgium, Duplicate)

26. "Kentucky" - Panopticon (US, Handmade Birds)

27. "Les Demos" - Peste Noire (France, La Mesnie Herlequin)

28. "Seven Bells" - Secrets Of The Moon (Germany, Lupus Lounge)

29. "Redefining Darkness" - Shining (Sweden, Spinefarm)

30. "Weder Licht Noch Schatten" - Verdunkeln (Germany, Ván)



1. "Occult Rock" - Aluk Todolo (France, Ajna Offensive)

2. "Weather Systems" - Anathema (UK, K Scope)

3. "Awakened" - As I Lay Dying (US, Metal Blade)

4. "The First To Leave" - Broken Thoughts (China, independent)

5. "輪郭" - Dir En Grey (Japan, Free-Will)

6. "Decaying Process" - Diskatlo (Japan, Decayed Sun)

7. "Empire! Empire! : I Was A Lonely Estate/Mountains For Clouds/Two Knights/Driving On City Sidewalks" - Empire! Empire! : I Was A Lonely Estate/Mountains For Clouds/Two Knights/Driving On City Sidewalks (Canada/US, Count Your Lucky Stars)

8. "Melencholia I" - Enfold (Germany, independent)

9. "Useless And Worthless" - Force Fed Life/Withering Night (US, Razed Soul)

10. "We're All Better Than This" - Joie De Vivre (US, Count Your Lucky Stars)

11. "Dead End Kings" - Katatonia (Sweden, Peaceville)

12. "Resolution" - Lamb Of God (US, Roadrunner)

13. "Mamiffer/Pyramids" - Mamiffer/Pyramids (US, Hydra Head)

14. "Pharmelodies" - Maurizio Bianchi (Italy, Silentes)

15. "For My Parents" - Mono (Japan, Magniph)

16. "Northless/Light Bearer" - Northless/Light Bearer (US/UK, Halo Of Flies)

17. "Annwn 2" - Ocrilim (US, independent)

18. "Cognitive" - Soen (Sweden, Spinefarm)

19. "The Earth Rises All Green" - Sol/Blóðtrú (Denmark, Ván)

20. "House Of Gold & Bones : Part 1" - Stone Sour (US, Roadrunner)

21. "Storm Corrosion" - Storm Corrosion (Sweden/UK, Roadrunner)

22. "Woven Black Arteries" - Teitanblood (Spain, Norma Evangelium Diaboli)

23. "The Other Room" - Under The Snow (Italy, Silentes)

24. "The Vanishing Point" - Under The Snow (Italy, Silentes)

25. "I First Saw You On That Snowy Night And Couldn't Shake An Overwhelming Feeling Of Sadness" - Verwüstung (US, independent)

26. "Pipe Dreams" - Whirr (US, Tee Pee)

27. "Come The Thaw" - Worm Ouroboros (US, Profound Lore)

28. "4 Bombs" - Xinlisupreme (Japan, Virgin Babylon)

29. "Loose Horses" - Yoshi Tonku (France, independent)

30. "桜流し" - 宇多田ヒカル (Japan, EMI Music)

言いたいこと is 特になし

